
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Amanda Todd Suicide: RCMP Repeatedly Told Of Blackmailer's Attempts

RCMP in British Columbia have been alerted at least five times over nearly two years of sexual extortion continues Amanda Todd before the teenager killed himself , the fifth estate CBC has learned.Amanda , 15, committed suicide in Port Coquitlam home of his mother, 10 October 2012 .His death sparked intense public attention due to a YouTube video she posted weeks before his death in detail the relentless bullying she endured after a naked picture of his torso was shared through social media.BC teen was the target of a sexual extortion for nearly two years after she shot him a crowd webcam while in a chat live .Someone has captured an image of the naked torso adolescence frozen and then use this image repeatedly tried to blackmail for more webcam " shows " .After the death of Amanda, the Internet exploded with rumors about who took her to suicide. The case has become a priority for the RCMP. Twenty officers have been assigned to the case.RCMP said the investigation is ongoing and would not comment on your progress or if it is the object of his research that Amanda intimidated , or find those responsible for blackmail.

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